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About Autichem Ltd | DART-DM® Flow  Reactor

Autichem is a UK based engineering company specialising in the design and manufacture of chemical reactors. We produce a range of continuous Dynamically Mixed designs, which utilize several different mixing methodologies, including CSTR, Taylor Vortex Flow and our own patented 2D flow reactor technologies.

The DART-DM® reactors are available in many different forms, with sizes ranging from 1ml to 100L. Designed to be adaptable and versatile, DART solutions can be manufactured using a wide range of chemically resistant robust and reliable engineering materials. Several of the DART designs have also been translated into photochemical reactors.

Dynamic Mixing is the underpinning fundamental principle of all our DART technologies. Whereas most other flow reactor technologies rely on high throughput or complex flow geometries to generate turbulence, DART utilizes the well-established benefits of mechanical mixing. By decoupling mixing from throughput and eliminating the need for complex flow geometries, DART can uniquely handle a much broader range of process conditions. Processes involving heavy concentrations of suspended solids or slurries have proven particularly challenging for many of todays flow reactor designs. The unique mixing methodologies and agitator designs deployed in DART have demonstrated time and time again that these particular types of processes can be successfully converted from batch to continuous processes.

DART-DM|Flow Reactor|Flow Chemistry| Continuous Flow Processing | CSTR